
Support Us

Kitchen on the Street envisions an Arizona without food-insecure children. We invite you to come alongside us as we serve the hungry of our community.

Kitchen on the Street


Include the food-insecure children and their families in your daily prayers.  Ask God to meet their needs and provide educators and mentors to walk alongside them as they grow. 

Kitchen on the Street


Include the food-insecure children and their families in your daily prayers.  Ask God to meet their needs and provide educators and mentors to walk alongside them as they grow. 

Kitchen on the Street

Rally your Troops

Follow Kitchen on the Street on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn.  Then, share our posts so your friends and family know what you are passionate about and how they can support your mission!

Kitchen on the Street

Rally your Troops

Follow Kitchen on the Street on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn.  Then, share our posts so your friends and family know what you are passionate about and how they can support your mission!

Kitchen on the Street

Charity of Choice

Shop at Fry’s and help children achieve academic excellence! Enroll your VIP card online with code: LJ847 for Kitchen on the Street. It’s easy!

Kitchen on the Street

Charity of Choice

Shop at Fry’s and help children achieve academic excellence! Enroll your VIP card online with code: LJ847 for Kitchen on the Street. It’s easy!

Kitchen on the Street

Host a Food Drive

Kitchen on the Street relies on donations from the community to support programs like Bags of Hope and Family Food Pantries. Email us at to inquire about our most needed food items and how we can assist you in hosting an in-person or virtual food drive!

Kitchen on the Street

Host a Food Drive

Kitchen on the Street relies on donations from the community to support programs like Bags of Hope and Family Food Pantries. Email us at to inquire about our most needed food items and how we can assist you in hosting an in-person or virtual food drive!

Kitchen on the Street

Host a Food Drive

Kitchen on the Street relies on donations from the community to support programs like Bags of Hope and Family Food Pantries. Email us at to inquire about our most needed food items and how we can assist you in hosting an in-person or virtual food drive!

Kitchen on the Street

Time & Talent

Volunteers fuel Kitchen on the Street programs.  We invite you to join our newsletter or follow us on social media to receive information on volunteer opportunities.

Kitchen on the Street

Time & Talent

Volunteers fuel Kitchen on the Street programs.  We invite you to join our newsletter or follow us on social media to receive information on volunteer opportunities.

Kitchen on the Street

Time & Talent

Volunteers fuel Kitchen on the Street programs.  We invite you to join our newsletter or follow us on social media to receive information on volunteer opportunities.

Kitchen on the Street

Direct your Tax Dollars to KOS

Kitchen on the Street is a qualifying charity for the dollar-for-dollar AZ Tax Credit.  In 2024, individuals can donate up to $470 and married couples can donate up to $938 and receive a dollar-for-dollar credit of their AZ tax filing! 

Kitchen on the Street

Direct your Tax Dollars to KOS

Kitchen on the Street is a qualifying charity for the dollar-for-dollar AZ Tax Credit.  In 2024, individuals can donate up to $470 and married couples can donate up to $938 and receive a dollar-for-dollar credit of their AZ tax filing! 

Kitchen on the Street

Direct your Tax Dollars to KOS

Kitchen on the Street is a qualifying charity for the dollar-for-dollar AZ Tax Credit.  In 2024, individuals can donate up to $470 and married couples can donate up to $938 and receive a dollar-for-dollar credit of their AZ tax filing! 

Stay Connected, Stay Informed

Join our community and get updates on how we're fighting child hunger in Phoenix.

Stay Connected, Stay Informed

Join our community and get updates on how we're fighting child hunger in Phoenix.

Stay Connected, Stay Informed

Join our community and get updates on how we're fighting child hunger in Phoenix.